Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today is Thursday....

...which for me means I have a day off from work. I've been up since around 9:30am and have pretty much tried to relax, amidst the panic that is striking me due to the rumors regarding our fearless leader, Skip Holtz, taking a head coaching offer at USF. But regardless of his decision I will be happy for him and him furthering his coaching career (either here at ECU or at another school). Thankfully I only have one class today and that is not until 4pm so I have some time to catch up on some homework, online classes, and blogging of course! The first full week of school has not been terrible thus far, most of my professors seem like down-to-earth people, and I have taken the time to get to know a few of them personally (which is rare because usually I just try to stay out of their way). I'm taking 15hrs of classes this semester and I'm working about 35 hours a week. Which brings me to my next bit of news, and that is I am now officially a full-time employee according to The Fresh Market which means I will get health insurance and dental insurance through the company which is pretty cool. Just to let everyone know the news has just come in that Skip accepted the head coaching position at USF. It is a sad day in the Pirate Nation. Good luck Skip!

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