Monday, January 4, 2010

Note to Self....

Invest in decaf coffee if you intend to consume coffee post-8pm! It is now 1am and I am still awake.....the Jamaican Blue Mountain blend from TFM, however good, is not a night time coffee.
Silly me, I mean it is totally my fault, but it was soooo good!

Tonight Josh, Rachel, and I performed the sad task of taking down the Christmas tree (I will say though I think Josh and I are both equally excited to have our living room back to normal). We watched Iron Chef at which point I started drinking the previously mentioned coffee and relaxed around the apartment watching Food Network.

Once Josh went to bed and Rach went home, I was obviously still awake so, I posted some pictures on facebook of Christmas this year (there will be more once I get a copy of the pics Mama took). So, if you get a chance check those out.

I hope everyone has a good Monday morning!

1 comment:

  1. I like the new blog picture on top and your profile one :-)

    and I love you... fyi. lol
